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GW231256 110,00 €
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Αυτό το κουτί περιέχει:
-72-page softcover Brutal and Cunning Dossier: All the background, artwork, and rules for both of the two kill teams in the box, plus an overview of the planet Volkus, the Undermuzzle Barrens that surround Hive Fissilicus and the kill teams clashing amidst its blasted ruins and fortifications.
- Wrecka Krew Kill Team.These 8x multipart plastic miniatures include a variety of weapons and cosmetic options, as well as an Ork Infantry transfer sheet.
- Ratlings Kill Team. These 11x multipart plastic miniatures allow you to assemble a versatile team of operatives ranging from bionic-arm equipped Bombers, to biting Battlemutts, Big Shots, Vox-thieves, and other Ratling specialists.
- Killzone Upgrade: Compound Siege This terrain set includes 6x Breachable Stockade Walls, 2x Bunkers, and 6x Fire Steps with which to enhance your battlefield.
-Wrecka Krew and Ratlings Datacards
-Token Sheets
You'll need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team Core Book to use the contents of this set. You will need a copy of the Kill Team: Core Book and Killzone: VolΤα μοντέλα δεν είναι βαμμένα και χρειάζονται συναρμολόγηση.
Σας συνιστούμε να χρησιμοποιήσετε Citadel Plastic Glue για το κόλλημα τους και Citadel Paints για το βάψιμο τουςkus, both available separately, to make full use of the contents of this box.
